Friday, September 6, 2013


Journal - If there was one big global issue in the world that you could fix, what would it be? A cure for cancer? Save the rain forest? Stop pollution? Think about it and then write about it. Why would you choose that specific issue?

I would try to convince people to stop using substances like tobacco because smoking is one of the top reasons people die. Also, many people think smoking is nasty and should be stopped. Many other people can be affected by just one smoker because of second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is when people around the smoker inhale some of the smoke. This can cause many problems for people who have asthma and other respiratory diseases. It would also effect people who are trying to quit smoking because they will want a cigarette after they breathe the second hand smoke. Personally, I would choose this issue because there are many people in my family that smoke and I would be very grateful if they would stop, so it would be good for me to focus on this issue so I can try to convince them to stop.

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